Another Batch of My Photographs
Here are several photographs that have previously appeared on my real blog, The Repeal of Gravity Blog. I'm posting theme here to my auxilliary blog, but I encourage you to visit The Repeal of Gravity Blog for other interesting things.
Comments are welcome.
If you are interested in using any of these images for your own purposes, please contact me beforehand. I'm very likely to give you my blessing and ask for no payment in return (depending on the use, of course), with maybe just a few simple stipulations so that I get credit as the copyright holder. I would very much appreciate the courtesy.

Comments are welcome.
If you are interested in using any of these images for your own purposes, please contact me beforehand. I'm very likely to give you my blessing and ask for no payment in return (depending on the use, of course), with maybe just a few simple stipulations so that I get credit as the copyright holder. I would very much appreciate the courtesy.